Hi. My name is Ehsan. I love to build, create, innovate. My hobby as a kid was building electrical circuits, which can wrapp up in amplifiers, senders and receivers, or weird robots. At the age of 13, I was stunned by the power of bits, so I started to learn programming with C. Later, in high school, I worked as a freelance software developer but mostly coding for hobby projects; I even tried to build a computer game and my OS!

I was studying electrical engineering at university when I joined a company to build IoT products. During that time, I found out about VCs and accelerators. And I was fascinated by their role and macro mechanisms to nurture innovation. I hoped to be backed by one of them, but later on, I partly became one. I established and managed a co-working space for a major CVC, Finnova. The entrepreneurial atmosphere pushed me to seek ways to ensure the fresh-blood innovations' survival. After leavin Finnova, I had tasted a glimpse of both the corporate and start-up worlds, talking technology and business. There was demand for my skills in the Corporate-Startup Engagement field, so I worked for some time as a consultant before joining my former colleague to develop our boutique consulting firm, CiZE.

Following an MBA program, As a management consultant responsible for managing engagements with clients to define problems, structure, theorize, propose solutions, and implement, I learned a lot about how making an impact and intending an influence actually works. Many challenges during that time added a third dimension to my necessary skills' space: people. The hardest one. I may now think my journey was a preparation; for yet great adventures to fill the gap, 'the gap between our noble vision and our mediocre reality.'

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shahabi.xyz by Ehsan Shahabi is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at shahabi.xyz.